Product Usage Information
Filler Stain usage instructions:
- Make sure surface is stripped and clean.
- Thin Stain 20%-30% with turpentine, to the consistency of varnish
- Apply to surface brushing with the grain.
- Allow to set for 5 minutes (not until completely dry) then wipe off cross grain until a clean look is achieved using a clean lint free rag.
- Allow to dry 12 hours before applying sealer coats.
Clear Sealer usage instructions:
- Apply 4 - 5 coats of sealer using a quality bristle brush or polyfoam brush
- Each sealer coat will dry for recoat in 2 hours.
- Allow final coat of sealer to dry 12 hours
- Sand sealer with 320 sandpaper. Sealer will sand easily and will powder to a very smooth base for applying Spar Varnish over.
- If more coats or deep look needed repeat Sealer process.
- Thinner: VM&P Naphtha.
Spar Varnish usage instructions:
- Apply 4 - 5 coats of Spar Varnish with quality bristle or polyfoam brush allowing 6 -12 hours dry time between coats.
- Sand lightly between coats with 320 sandpaper.
- Varnish maybe thinned with VM&P Naphtha 10% - 20% for better application due to climate changes or personal preference.
Bottom Paint usage instructions:
- Thorough Sanding of previous finish.
- Complete wipe down with Lacquer Thinner.
- Thinner: Xylene.
- Apply 2 coats.
- Allow to dry for at least 24 hours.
Marine Enamels usage instructions:
- Thorough Sanding of previous finish.
- Complete wipe down with Lacquer thinner for surface preparation.
- Thin Enamel 10%-15% with VM&P Naphtha.
- Apply 2 coats (recommended).
- Allow to dry for 24 hours and cure for 48 hours under standard weather conditions (50°F - 70°F).
Bilge Paints usage instructions:
- Thorough Sanding of previous finish.
- Complete wipe down with Lacquer thinner for surface preparation.
- Thinner: VM&P Naphtha.
- Apply at least 1 coat.
- Allow to dry for 12 hours.
Camo Paint usage instructions:
- Thorough Sanding of previous finish.
- Complete wipe down with Lacquer Thinner.
- No Thinner required.
- Apply 2 coats.
- Allow to dry and cure for 24 hours.